Media - Images and tags

Add images

When you want to use images on the website, you must first upload them in the CMS.

  1. In the left-hand menu, go to 'Content'.
  2. Then click 'Media'.
  3. Choose 'New from file'.
  4. Select the desired image(s) on your computer.
  5. Then tag it so you can find the image more easily. This can be done in two ways:
  • Choose an existing tag (already created before) by clicking on the text box and selecting the appropriate tag.
  • Create a new tag by typing it yourself, e.g. Veluwe or camping place. Click on Add

    which appears below the text box.

Tip: You can also choose to add not one, but several tags to an image.

  1. Then click save.

Creating and removing tags

Do you want to tag existing images with a new tag or remove the tag of an existing image? You can do so by following these steps:

  1. Click on the image whose tag you want to change.
  2. Choose 'Edit tags' at the top right.
  • Under 'Add tags', choose the new tag you want to add.
  • Or under 'Tags to remove' choose the tag you want to remove.
  1. Then click save.

Find images

The tags help you find images more easily. You do this by clicking on 'With tags' at the top right. This allows you to scroll through the tags and find the right image.

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